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Manuali Apple rinnovati.

Nuovi manuali (tutti in PDF e tutti in inglese) da Apple:

* Power Macintosh G3 e Macintosh Server G3 [PDF]
* Macintosh Server G3 [PDF]
* Power Macintosh G3 [PDF; PDF; PDF; PDF; PDF; PDF; PDF; PDF]
* Power Macintosh G3 all-in-one <venduto solo in USA> [PDF]
* Power Mac G3 (Tower) [PDF]

* “Your Power Macintosh Computer” (The tutorials teach basic, indispensible techniques such as how to use the mouse, how to work with onscreen menus, how to open and close programs, and other useful tips) [PDF]

* “Power Macintosh Emergency Handbook” (Includes troubleshooting, hard disk repair, and software installation information) [PDF]

* “Setting Up Your Power Mac” (Includes setup and expansion information for Power Mac G4 and Macintosh Server G4 computers) [PDF]

* “Setting Up your Macintosh Server” (Includes setup and expansion information for the Macintosh Server G4 with Mac OS X Server) [PDF]

* “Setting Up your PowerBook” (Includes setup, expansion, and troubleshooting information for PowerBook computers) [PDF]

* “Apple FireWire Kit” (Instructions for installing and using the Apple FireWire Kit for Power Macintosh G3 minitower and desktop computers) [PDF]

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