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Home » News » Italian consumer association attacks FairPlay and Apple’s DRM policy

Italian consumer association attacks FairPlay and Apple’s DRM policy

iTunes Store is becoming the preferred target for consumer association troughout the whole “old continent”.
Following French and Northern European example the Italian consumer association “Altroconsumo” wants to revenge the right to use the products of online music market without barriers acknoledging also to Italian users the capability of using every MP3 reader on the market for listening to music bought on iTunes.

Even if AltroConsumo says that Apple’s DRM is not the worst and more restrictive the dominance of iTunes on the national music market could be the object of a review by the Italian Antitrust Authority.

Altroconsumo wants Apple to review its DRM policies toward a more open model that could be an example for other operators and the music majors.

The Italian version of this news is here
La versione italiana di questa notizia è qui.

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