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Home » News » Coke+iTunes in Italy, Tv and radio advertising with iTunes

Coke+iTunes in Italy, Tv and radio advertising with iTunes


The advertising campaign that will offer free iTunes track to Coke customers in Italy could turn not only in a big support to the beverages producers ma also in “popular” factor of visibility for the whole musical echosystem of Apple.
All the media in Italy will be involved by a ad-hoc campaign: from TV to radio to internet communication combining the iTunes store to an extra popular brand.

But how the interaction between Coca-Cola site and iTunes Store will work??
“Coca-Cola” says Cristina Santucci “has an unique experience in live events and with this operation we will try to get in contact with large public also troughout the web: iTunes Store is the word for digital music.

Coke+iTunes” is the union of two storical brands and it will give life to a new territory: “Live-meets-digital”, that will allow music lovers to join a whole new musical universe with both online and live acts.”

Coca-Cola will allow young musicians to spread the knowledge of their music trough the web site A qualified panel from the famous Sugar recording labels (known also abroad for its selection of major italian talents – Andrea Boccelli is one of the most know all over the world but Sugar records spaces on every kind of music from pop to rock) wil award the best songs that will have the choice to be among one of the biggest virtual stages inside the “Coke Room” active on iTunes, side by side to the most famous musician in the international scene”.

Coke+iTunes promotion will start on february 15th and and will be announced with a major event with popular artist Elisa at the “Rolling Stones” in Milan this evening.
The event will be recorded and broadcasted on iTunes trough a Podcast.

A photo gallery of the event and the details of the new Coke bottles with iTunes+Coke logo are on this page.

coke + itunes

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