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Home » News » The first “continental” european Apple Store will open in Rome, March 31.

The first “continental” european Apple Store will open in Rome, March 31.

roma est dall'alto

ROMAEST is presented as the biggest mall in Italy and one of the biggest one in Europe.
Located outside Rome is reachable from the GRA (Grande Raccordo Anulare) that is a major ring road that connects all the cities in the neighborough.

The initial aperture date was postponed due to problems with GRA connection and now is officially confirmed for March the 31st together with the grand opening of the first “official” Apple Store in Italy and in continental Europe.

romaest on the works

[in the picture beside you can see the external workings status few weeks ago – shot by Gennaro Tangari]
The Mall will have 210 shops, 25 Bar and Restaurants, 11 megastores, 1 hypermarket and a Multiplex Movie Teather.

Apple has finished all the recruiting some weeks ago hiring around 80 persons to serve the around 500 squared meters surface of the shop that is 1/5 of the surface of the biggest Apple Store in the world, located in Regent Street, London.

Italian Apple’s web site now hosts a new “retail page” with the aperture date, the address and the map of the store and the news about the 1 thousand T-shirts giveaway.
Macitynet will do a special event report on march 30 and march 31. Stay Tuned.

roma est

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